
Are You Being “Snooped”?

Electronic Snooping
Are You Being “Snooped”?

Are You Being “Snooped”?

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office

A USA Today report from 2012 describes a scenario that is becoming more and more common in this technological age. A Tennessee man reviewed a series of e-mails he had sent out to various recipients and discovered something unsettling: the e-mails that the recipient received were different than the e-mails the man had thought he had sent to the recipients. The man instantly thought of a suspect: his soon-to-be ex-wife. In the end, this conclusion proved to be correct: the man’s soon-to-be ex-wife had installed software on his computer allowing her to access and modify his e-mails.

How to Tell if You are the Victim of Cyber-Snooping

Unfortunately, tales like that of the Tennessee man described above are not isolated instances – and the problem is getting worse. Most smartphones have cameras and audio recording capabilities, stand-alone cameras and recorders are becoming increasingly small, and hacking techniques and practices are becoming even more effective. When you couple this with the high tensions and emotions present in a divorce or custody case, the chances for one party to snoop on the other increases.

Some signs that you may be the victim of cyber-snooping include:

  • Inability to access e-mail accounts, social media accounts, or computers (or if you get a “lock out” message;
  • Text messages or alerts advising you of a change of passwords (some e-mail programs and social media websites will automatically notify you anytime the password to your account is changed);
  • Recipients of electronic communications report receiving different communications from you than you had intended to make to them; or
  • You are informed or come across personal information such as photographs or personal details on social media websites.

What Can I Do if I Believe I Am Being Spied On?

If you are in an active divorce or custody proceeding and believe you are being spied on, you should contact your Michigan family lawyer right away. He or she is in the best position to investigate what is going on and evaluate whether the alleged activity violates state or federal law. You may also wish to report the activity to the police and/or seek an order of protection.

Note that not all “spying” or “snooping” is illegal. While your ex-spouse cannot plant a recording device in your home to capture your conversations with others, she may be able to record a conversation she has with you personally. Similarly, while the other parent of your child cannot put a GPS tracking device on your car, he may be able to put such a device on the child’s car if the car is registered in his name only.

Contact an Experienced Michigan Family Lawyer For Help

Technological developments have helped bring us closer together but have made the already-complex family law landscape even more difficult to navigate. Contact the Michigan family law firm of Van Den Heuvel Law Office for assistance in handling suspected cyber-snooping. We will quickly evaluate the facts of your situation and help you take swift and decisive action where appropriate to protect your rights. Contact us today at (616) 698-0000.



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