
Category Archives: Child Custody

Child Custody

Grand Rapids Divorce Attorneys Protecting
Your Family & Business Interests



My Ex’s Kids are Not Biologically Mine, Can I Still Fight for Custody?

Parental figures often become attached to children, even when they are not biologically theirs. This often happens when people become involved in…

Are Child Custody Decisions Permanent?

Child custody disputes are some of the most contentious during a divorce. If you were denied child custody, you may think there…

Child Custody FAQs

Child custody often creates tension and stress for parents who are pursuing a legal separation or divorce. Custody issues are central to…

Can My Teenager Refuse Visitation With the Other Parent?

When parents get a divorce and children are involved, they are usually awarded child custody or visitation time. Parents are not always…

12 Factors of Child Custody in Michigan

Divorce is always a difficult process, and it only becomes even more challenging when children are involved. Parents often wonder if they…

Defending Child Custody

As parents, we deal with numerous responsibilities on a daily basis to ensure the safety, health, and emotional well being of our…


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