Getting a divorce is almost always an emotionally trying time. When you got married, ending your relationship with your spouse likely seemed like a remote possibility, if a possibility at all. As a result, you likely invested significant time and emotional effort into making your relationship work, and giving up on that process can be very difficult. Furthermore, ending your marriage could have a significant impact on many important aspects of your life, including the amount of time you spend with your children, the place you call home, and your financial security.
Not only is getting a divorce emotionally difficult, it is legally complicated as well. For example, in order to even be able to file for divorce in the state, you must have been living here for at least 180 days. In addition, you can’t just file anywhere – you must file in the county of your residence – but only if you have living there for at least 10 days. These are just a couple of examples of the complications that can arise under Michigan divorce law, so it is important to speak to an experienced lawyer before starting the process.
Individuals who wish to end their marriages or separate from their spouse have various options available to them in Michigan. Basic information regarding the three options is provided below. For more information, call our office today.
The way your divorce case is resolved can have a significant impact on many important aspects of your life, including your finances, and your ability to spend time with your children. For this reason, if you are going through a divorce, you should speak with an experienced attorney as soon as you can. To schedule a consultation with one of our Caledonia divorce lawyers, call our office today at 616-698-0000.